United In action

Helping local churches act as one to declare the gospel in our community.

TransForum: A Conversation with United In Action
9:00 AM09:00

TransForum: A Conversation with United In Action

During these difficult times, it is important that the Church stands in unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We believe that one of the best ways to bring unity is to bring understanding, so we are very excited to announce our very first TransForum! 

Our TransForum is designed to engage each attendee, so we created two parts: 1) a conversation among several leaders in our community on Facebook and 2) breakout sessions designed to give each attendee a safe place to dialogue on Zoom.

This event is entirely online and will take place on Saturday, Sept. 26th from 9am-11am. Please use the following link to register for this incredible event: Click to Sign Up

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Christ For Justice Rally
12:00 PM12:00

Christ For Justice Rally

  • 850 Hungerford Drive Rockville, MD, 20850 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Thankfully, the weather forecast has cleared up and is no longer calling for thunderstorms during today's rally. We have decided to continue as planned, so we look forward to seeing you in a couple of hours! (:


United in Action is a movement committed to helping local churches act as one to declare the gospel in our community. As those who were once dead in our sins, made alive together with Christ and commanded to unite in love as members of his body, we acknowledge that we have not acted as one when it comes to confronting the racialized sin in this country that is antithetical to the good news of Jesus Christ. Join us on Saturday, June 20th at noon, as we stand together to visibly demonstrate our commitment to pray, connect with one another, and be part of the solution that brings justice and peace particularly for black and brown people who have been so often the target of violence and systemic racism.


When driving to this event, please come in via Martins Lane or Nelson Street. Entering via Hungerford Drive will be difficult as there will be no left turns from N/B onto Mannakee Street. Avoid entering from the North or you may end up caught in the queue of vehicles waiting to turn onto Mannakee Street.

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9:00 AM09:00


Join the UIA movement for our Saturday “Transforum” events. During these Transforums, churches from around Montgomery County join together for a 90-minute interactive conversation about unity and the gospel. The topic of discussion for this event will be “Immigration.” Please RSVP at the event's Evite page.

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5:00 PM17:00

Community Worship Celebration

  • Inter-Denominational Church of God (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the churches of United in Action for this special worship gathering. The UIA Community Worship Celebration is an annual event intended to create space for a unified celebration of Jesus and His gospel. Brothers and sisters in Christ from all over Montgomery County will have the opportunity to sing in unity to our Lord, as well as hear together the admonitions of the Scriptures. Stay tuned for more details. 

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9:00 AM09:00


Join UIA as we develop an action plan stemming from our previous transforum on mass incarceration. MoCo pastor and jail chaplain Russ Isler will discuss incarceration, the effects on families and opportunities to get involved. We will also have a testimony on reentering society after incarceration, and also a discussion on how churches can invest in our community to hopefully lower incarceration rates. This will be action oriented and a great opportunity for your congregants to put feet to their faith and get involved in these important issues! Please RSVP at the event's Evite page.

*Please note that we are postponing the topic of immigration to a later date, as we felt this topic needed further follow up.*

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Transforum: Viewing of "13th"
9:00 AM09:00

Transforum: Viewing of "13th"

America makes up 5% of the world's population, yet locks up 25% of the world's prisoners. And 40% of U.S. prisoners are black men. '13th' explores the connection between slavery and modern-day mass incarceration in America. What might a gospel-centered response, both individually and corporately, look like to this situation?

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to Aug 31

UIA Summer Break

  • Google Calendar ICS

The leadership team of United in Action is taking a break for the summer to refresh and prepare for the fall. Therefore, UIA will not host any events June through August. Our Transforums and our Pastor & Leader Lunches are tentatively scheduled to resume in September. Please stay tuned for more details and opportunities. Have a great summer, and may the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you!

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12:30 PM12:30

Pastor & Leader Lunch

Don't miss out on the next Pastor & Leader Lunch. Our discussion piece will focus on the NY Times article, A Quiet Exodus: Why Black Worshipers Are Leaving White Evangelical Churches. You'll also hear more information on our upcoming Transforum on April 14 as well as on our revised UIA vision and mission statements. 

Please RSVP to Colin Seager <colin@derwoodbiblechurch.org>. Also, please note that this is a "bring your own lunch" event. We look forward to strong fellowship and an engaging discussion!

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