United In action

Helping local churches act as one to declare the gospel in our community.


United in Action is a movement of diverse congregations in Montgomery County committed to Christian unity. We proactively address the issues that divide, connect local congregations to one another, and encourage the leveraging of resources and strengths to effectively bring the gospel into our community


“Helping local churches act as one to declare the gospel in our community.”

Ephesians 4:3 – “[Be] eager to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Participating Churches

City of Righteousness

Gaithersburg | Pastor Roddy Williams

Rock creek church

Rockville | Pastor Jeff Martin

Montgomery Baptist Church

Gaithersburg | Chaplain Russell Isler

Shady Grove Presbyterian Church

Rockville | Pastor Charlie Baile

Restoration church

Gaithersburg | Pastor Ed Choy
